Home Apartment Rentals California Builders Focusing on Apartments for Rent in Ca
apts california: oranges

apts california: orangesAs a follow up to my article on apartments for rent in Ca I found this and wanted to link to it.

There is not likely to be a major rebound in building single family homes in the state but more apartments for rent in Ca will be built to meet the needs of a younger population that prefers apartment livng.

“What we’ve seen is this shift toward multifamily housing demand,” said the Anderson Forecast’s author, Jerry Nickelsburg. “You can see that in the demographics.”

Since it takes less  man power to build apartments for rent in Ca than to build single family homes the post recovery homebuilders will emoloy fewer people according to the folks at https://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9NSH5B80.htm.

How about you? Looking for apartments for rent in Ca? Comment below.

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[Image credit: 31215307@N05]

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